The light blue ceramics, summer vibe

Glasses for candle and not only
February 20, 2022
Ceramic plates suitable for all occasions
February 20, 2022

The sky in summer has all the shades of liht blue. By surrounding ourselves with objects of this color, we automatically immerse into the colors and fresh scents of summer and the sea.

color variants
Dimensions 9 x 17 cm   (diameter x height)
Description Technic graffito. decorations and assorted fantasies with colorful carving and classic carving
Materials White ceramic, engobe with oxides and pigments, transparent glaze.
Approximate weight 600 grams
variants go to the shop

vaso in ceramica

vaso in ceramica bianca e ingobbio azzurro. dimensioni base 12 cm altezza 22 cm

The vase is a decorative element, an ornament of great charm and elegance that catalyzes the attention exalting the environment in which it is inserted. The designs are entirely free hand carved and each decoration, even if similar, is different from each other. Each vase is therefore a unique piece.
vaso in ceramica artigianale bianco e azzurro
ceramiche artistiche artigianali

lampada vaso e piatto in ceramica bianca e ingobbio azzrro

centrotavola in ceramica artigianale

centrotavola in ceramica bianca diametro 30 cm con disegni incisi a mano libera con tecnica sgrafito su ingobbio azzurro.

lampada in ceramica artigianale

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